Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Post Atomic Horror 252 Featuring Batman Jones


In which I use this post about my favorite thing (Star Trek) to talk about my like 5th favorite thing (Batman).

I missed Nails.
"Bill Riker, the pleasure is yours."

Monday, November 23, 2015



In which the mythology of the show starts to get fucking weird.

Hmm, yes. Spooky numbers. This is a thing that makes sense. Tell me more. 

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

...In Translation


In which Jin learns about the importance of oven mitts.

In South Korea, ocean swims in YOU! OK, I'll admit it. I got nothing.
Long pants at the beach. Our cultures are so different. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015



In which Sawyer brings a gun to a tusk fight.

If ya mess wit t'e KING's QUEEN, you better watch your ACE, JACK" -Gambit, obviously.
More sexy staring.

Monday, October 12, 2015



In which the shortest cowboy has masculinity issues.

Or out smolderingly glare Boone.
Sorry Chuck, you're not going to out sexy stare Sayid.

Friday, October 2, 2015



In which Walt goes missing and Michael looks for him. That just happens in this one episode, right?

Have you seen my son?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hearts and Minds


In which, in true Boone fashion, the episode starts out good, but by the end is completely terrible.

Giving Jackface a run for it's money.
Pretty boy is ready for his close up.


Boone and Locke have been going out hunting all day every day, but have not brought back any boar. Naturally, the fat guy has some issues with this. Normally this would irritate me, but Jorge Garcia is so damn likeable, I can't help but enjoy it. Boone brushes him off though, because he has to go yell at Sayid. "Stay away from my sister!" he shouts. "What goes into her vagina is definitely my business! And it's not creepy or gross at all that I care about it!" Oh, poor Flonk From an Hour Ago. You don't know what creepy and gross is. Sayid, for his part, is more amused than anything at the trust fund kid trying to intimidate an actual factual Iraqi soldier (well, Indian Iraqi soldier, but you get my point), and all but laughs in his face. Locke is able to diffuse the situation by dragging Boone away for the day's hunt.

Except they're not hunting at all. They're down at that weird hatch thing, trying to figure out how to get it open. There's no handle, and it's sealed shut, so they can't force it open. Boone wants to tell everyone else about what they found, but Locke thinks that's a bad idea. Boone needs to tell someone. At the very least, Shannon HAS to know. Locke still vetoes it. But Boone is insistent that Shannon must know, so Locke bonks Boone on the head with a frying pan, ties him up, rubs some kind of goo in the wound, leaves a knife juuuuuuust out of reach, then walks off into the jungle, hands in pockets, whistling "The Fishin' Hole"

When Boone wakes up, he hears Shannon screaming for help in the distance. Locke tied her to a tree too! And if things aren't bad enough, the Monster starts making a ruckus. Boone manages to free himself, finds Shannon and cuts her free, and they run as far from the Monster as they can. It's a pretty intense sequence, even more impressive when you realize the Monster is just a shaky camera and weird sound effects. But eventually the Monster catches Shannon, chews her up, and spits out her empty shell like so much boiled peanut. Goodbye Shannon, you were too bitchy for this world.

That night, Boone returns to the camp and sees Locke sitting next to the fire. He tries to stab Locke in revenge, but Locke points out that Shannon is in fact alive and well. He had smeared some peyote in Boone's festering head wound, and the last 24 hours have just been a crazy trip, man. But seeing Shannon dead was what Boone needed to let her go. And so, Boone and Locke hold hands and skip back to the hatch together, the best of friends.

There isn't really a B plot this week. It's mostly some loosely connected character scenes. But I'm fine with that, because these are some great characters. First Hurley is mad because there's no more pig and Jin fucking hates him, so there's no fish either. Also, hilarious poop jokes. He tries to go fishing himself, but slips on an underwater banana peel and breaks a plate glass window. Jin is able to see that Hurley is trying, so he gives him a fish. Now they're best friends.

Jack decides he needs to make up with Kate after last week. So he stalks her for a while like a goddamn creeper. She's collecting seeds for a garden Sun has been working on. He gives her some guava seeds and now they're best friends again. As Kate is working on the garden, she starts talking about how great and pretty she is and how all the boys love her. Sun just rolls her eyes and is all "Of course they do." That's when it dawns on Kate, Sun can speak English. She promises to keep it a secret and now they're best friends.

Locke is walking through the jungle, quite pleased with himself. He comes across Sayid, doing some orienteering. He gives Sayid his compass, saying he doesn't need it anymore. But, as Sayid later shows Jack, the compass is useless anyway. It just points wherever it wants, nowhere near north. Because, I can not stress this enough, this island is fucking weird. This makes Jack suspicious, but as Charlie points out Locke may be scary, but he's the most capable person on the island. "There's no one I trust with my life more than John Locke." Well, I'm sure that will all work out well for everyone.

Nature's best friends


Boone is at the country club with Generic Blond #4, with a sweater tied around his neck, laughing about the poor people who can only afford pool memberships. That's when he gets a call on his hilarious 2004 flip phone. It's Shannon. She's in Australia and she's in trouble. But when Boone gets to Sydney and meets her boyfriend (Some beefy James Woods looking motherfucker) she's all "What are you doing here? Go away." Goddamn drama queen. But when she adjusts her hair, Boone spots some bruises. So he decides to come back later.

First step, he goes to the police. They're not much help, though. First off, there's a ragin Cajun they're trying to arrest. Also, the cop can't understand how Shannon Rutherford and Boone Carlyle can be siblings if they have different last names (No one tell this guy about Fant4stic), despite the obvious explanation. Boone's mother married Shannon's father (No one tell this guy about The Brady Bunch). It's not going well, so Boone decides to grease some palms and drops his mother's name. "Perhaps you've heard of Carlyle Weddings? We're the third largest wedding supplier of the Pacific Northwest. I'm Executive Vice President in Charge of Veils, Tiaras, and Other Headgear" The cop doesn't go for it. Since that didn't work, Boone decides to go with an old classic. Pay the boyfriend to go away.

But when Boone comes to pick up Shannon too early, the boyfriend is still there! The jig is up! Shannon and her boy toy were going to split the money! An this isn't the first time she's pulled this scam on him. She knew he would pay off the guy, because he always does. Poor sap. Then, to add injury to insult, the boyfriend punches Boone in the face a few times. Because it's been a while since Boone got punched in the face. I missed that.

That night, as Boone rubs a steak on his face and makes sure his chiseled jaw is still intact, he hears a knock on his hotel room door. It's Shannon. Turns out her boyfriend was a total scumbag after all (who knew?) and took all the money. This is when things take a turn for the gross. Shannon says that she knew Boone would save her because he's in love with her and always has been. And Boone is all "Shut up, you're dunk. Stop being gross." But then they start making out all over the place. Because on TV you can't have any sort of platonic male/female relationship without one or both secretly wanting to bang the other. Not even siblings are safe. Goddamnit.  Anyways, they bone. Then the plane crashes. I'm done. I can't with this right now.

Remember back in 2004 when James Woods was fun?
Picture taken just before he sued all of Twitter.

  • Overall I liked this episode too. The Boone/ Locke relationship is great. The Hurley/Jin stuff was real funny. I even liked the Jack and Kate scenes. But the end of that flashback. Holy shit, no.
  • It doesn't help that Shannon is supposed to be an unlikable character, and we can't see a reason why anyone would be interested in her, beyond "she's hot". Especially if that person has known her for her entire life. And ignoring the part where they are related. Ugh.
  • That all said, this was a very strong character episode. I really enjoyed just hanging out with these people for a day and seeing what they got up to. 

Nature's best pals.

  • I didn't notice any this week, but acording to Lostpedia, Hurley says "Dude" 6 times.
  • Please enjoy this Lostpedia page on Dude. Complete with a handy chart of Hurley's DPE (Dudes Per Episode)
  • I love this website.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Whatever the Case May Be


In which Kate becomes a sexy bank robber or something.

Baby, I'm just gonna climb, climb, climb, climb, climb.
And the Katers gonna Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate, Kate. 

Monday, September 7, 2015

Post Atomic Horror 238


I'm going to be asking that a lot over the next few years, aren't I?

"Want to see my Eiffel Tower?" "Tom, I'm programmed to have sex with you, and I think that line is terrible."
The last episode I was on had a creeper rapist on the cover too. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues


In which the writers come up with an episode title designed to send me into a rage.

ce pas est une vache garcon
Pictured: Not a cowboy

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Raised by Another


In which Claire celebrates her promotion to the main cast with an episode all about her!

And like the 18th time they did this exact scene in the episode.
This is pretty much the only time in the episode that she's not crying.

Thursday, July 30, 2015



Because it's 2004, and America is ga-ga for torture! In our entertainment AND in our foreign policy, we can't get enough of seeing people beaten until they tell us what we want to hear!

There's something on your shoulder, let me get it.
An Iraqi and a French woman in a Mexican standoff.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Confidence Man


In which she is all "Ah love you, Remy!" And Sawyer is all "Aw haw haw! Spicy Crawdad!"

And that's how Sawyer stared down the Tickle Monster.
Don't you EVER compare me to Gambit!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Post Atomic Horror 232


Because it's awesome, that's why.

Bajoran Dukat somehow manages to look even creepier than he does as a Cardassian.
Hush, keep it down now. Voices carry,

Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Moth


In which Charlie's brother may be a butterfly, but Charlie is a moth and those guys are way cooler.

Should have known that cannon was loaded
He makes this face a lot.


Charlie's heroin withdrawal is getting worse, but Locke is there to help him through it. Cuddly, hugable, friend to all knives Locke. He suggests going for a walk, thinking the fresh air will do Charlie some good. Charlie is all "Sod off, old man!" then he goes for a walk anyways. While he's out a boar decides to mess with him and starts chasing him around. Luckily, Charlie leads the pig into one of Locke's patented Pig Traps. Well, lucky for Charlie. And the island full of hungry survivors. Not so lucky for the boar. Charlie has had enough of this stupid island and it's dumb monsters and just wants his drugs back. Locke tells Charlie he can ask for his drugs back three times, and after that he'll get them. I'm not really sure why. Locke does have a flair for the dramatic, I suppose.

So Jack moves his stuff into the caves. Charlie tries to help, but ends up spilling doctor things all over the ground. Then Jack stubs his toe on Charlie's guitar and yells at him to clean up his stuff. Charlie doesn't appreciate being treated like a child, and tells Jack so, in the loudest possible way. "I'm a rock god!" he shouts. Then a bunch of rocks fall on their head. This is why you don't piss off the island, Charlie.

Charlie is a little bruised, but otherwise he's fine. Jack, on the other hand, is buried in the rubble. Nobody wants Charlie to help dig him out, though. They tell him to go get Kate. Because that's the best way to make a guy feel useful. Have him drive the Ford Pinto. Charlie runs to the beach, but the Pinto isn't there. Luckily he finds a couple of F-150s instead. And Boone, who is a Focus, I guess. This metaphor is getting away from me. Charlie leads a big group of people back to the caves. Michael even used to work construction, so he knows the best, safest way to get Jack out. Charlie decides it's been a rough morning and he needs a little something to take the edge off.

Locke is outside starting prep for dinner. Chopping the onions, portioning the seasonings, ripping the skin off a pig. Stuff like that. When Charlie asks him for the heroin, he gets a moth cocoon instead. Locke tells Charlie how the moth is struggling to get out right now, and he could cut the cocoon open and set it free, but the struggle will make it stronger. The moth needs to dig it's way out on it's own. Unlike me, Charlie understands how metaphors work and volunteers to go into the cave and dig out Jack.

So, Charlie shimmies through the hole they made, but it collapses behind him. Now they're both trapped. Great job, Chuck. This is when the withdrawal symptoms start hitting Charlie hard. Jack lets Charlie know he knows whats going on, and when they get out of this, he's going to help. That's when Charlie sees that a moth has flown in there with them. He follows the moth to a tiny hole that leads up to the surface. His transformation from drug addicted caterpillar to comic relief moth completed, Charlie starts to dig his way to freedom.

That night at the campfire, Charlie's withdrawal is at its worst and he asks Locke for his stash. Locke is disappointed, but gives it to him. Charlie then chucks it into the fire. Locke is very proud of Charlie now, and they watch a moth fly off into the night. The moth is then eaten by a bat. The bat is then eaten by a Mothra, because this island is fucked up.

While that's all going on, Sayid has come up with a way to track the French woman's radio signal. But he needs more power for the radio. Luckily Kate knows where she can find the battery to an Apple Lisa. Unfortunately it's with Sawyer. She starts berating him for no real reason, but since he's such a swell guy, he gives her the battery free of charge. He's nice out of spite, which is hilarious to me.

Electricity now acquired, Sayid needs to plant radio receivers at different points on the island, so he can triangulate the signal. That means he's going to need Kate and Boone's help. Oh boy. This won't end well. The timing needs to be perfect for this to work, so they're going to shoot off bottle rockets when they're in position. This is a pretty cool way to communicate with each other across the island, until you stop to wonder why there were fireworks on the plane in the first place.

So, they head off, and that's why Kate isn't there when Charlie shows up with news about Jack. Sawyer though, being the nice guy that he is runs to find her. But when he does, she starts laying into him again. So Sawyer decides he's not going to tell her now. Which is mean, but fuck her. She was an asshole first.

The first receiver is on the beach. The second one needs to be put up high in a tree. For some reason Sawyer does this, while Kate sits down to enjoy some Hydrox and wash it down with New Coke. While Sayid goes off to place the last one, Kate and Sawyer have a little heart to heart. That's when he lets it slip that Jack is in trouble. She puts on her Very Sad face and dead arm runs into the jungle, leaving Sawyer with the radio. But the plan works. Everyone turns on their radios at the right time, Sayid gets a signal and starts to figure out where it's coming from. Then someone off camera bonks him over the head with a frying pan.

and kids don't play with too many knives!
Throw your hands in the air for some high fives!


Charlie is filling in some guy about the debauchery after the previous evening's rock and roll concert. Some guy who is a priest. And they're in a confessional. So Charlie decides that the best thing for his spiritual well being is that he has to quit the band. Naturally his brother, Liam Gallagher, is waiting outside the door holding up a contract that reads "MAJOR RECORD DEAL. PRICE: ONE SOUL" Charlie still wants to quit, but Liam convinces him to stay, telling Charlie that without him, the band is nothing. Charlie says he'll sign, but only if he can quit at any time and Liam agrees. I'm sure this will all turn out fine.

And the band is a smash hit. Dick Clark AND Casey Kasem are playing the number one song of the summer, You All Everybody. The kids can't get enough Driveshaft. But on stage, Liam starts singing Charlie's parts. And Charlie is PISSED. Later in the tour, Liam misses sound check because he's all doped up on goofballs. Charlie is done, he's ready to walk away and Liam flips the fuck out. He berates Charlie into staying telling him that without the band, Charlie is nothing. Who could have seen this coming?

A few years go by. The band has broken up. Liam has cleaned himself up and has a wife and an Australian baby. Charlie pays them a visit, which at first seems like just a social call. Then Charlie drops the news that he's got a Driveshaft reunion tour all lined up, but it can't happen without Liam. Unfortunately Liam likes his beautiful house and his beautiful wife. He likes not waking up every day wondering how did he get here. Charlie does not take this news well. He starts to tell his brother off, and that's when Liam realizes that Charlie is still using drugs and is probably high right now. He tries to help, but that just makes Charlie even madder. He tells Liam to "piss off, bloody wanker" or some other exceedingly British curse words, and storms off.

I'm sure there was a second Oasis song, but damn if I can remember what it was.
Anyway, here's Wonderwall.

  • You All Everybody gets stuck in my head a lot. My apologies to everyone who has overheard me singing it.
  • Boone screws up this week by leaving his useless sister in charge of the radio while he goes to dig out Jack.
  • Geez, this one was long. There was a lot happening, though. Great episode overall.
The sour look on his face is what sells it for me.
Dusting the pork is a euphemism that never quite took off.


  • You all everybody

Thursday, July 9, 2015

House of the Rising Sun


Charlie needs to put away the heroin before the heroin puts him away and Jin might as well be walkin over Sun.

It ain't no joke!
What, did you think I would only make one Smash Mouth joke during this project?

Thursday, July 2, 2015

White Rabbit


A sci-fi TV character with daddy issues? The devil, you say! Wait, that might be a spoiler.

Also, Jackface. So much Jackface.

Either he's sad, or someone farted.

Friday, June 26, 2015



Here it is. The first truly great episode of the series. Yes, this is the episode where everyone finally gets to eat pork chops.

"John, you can't wear black socks with tan pants." "DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO!"
Literally foreshadowing.


All right kids, there is a lot going down on the island this week, so let's get right to it. It's night, and Vincent is freaking the fuck out. Something is in the plane's fuselage and as everyone knows, dogs will only bark at things that are supernatural or scary and never freak out for no reason whatsoever. Turns out there's CGI boars eating the dead bodies inside the plane. Jack looks at the problem and says "We've got to burn the bodies." For reasons I don't understand, everyone else has a problem with this (#teamcreamation). Except for Locke. He looks at the problem and says "Dinner." But, yeah. Most everyone else is all "Fuck you, guy who's done nothing but try to help everyone since the crash. Why don't  we just burn them right now" And Sayid is all "A-doy. He wants to make a signal fire."

So, we've got two A plots this week, which is only something that a show with 47 main characters can get away with. First we've got Jack preparing to burn up everything that used to be alive. And then you've got Locke and his ham lust. We'll deal with Jack first. He starts cleaning out the fuselage, getting it ready for Burning Man, but everyone still has a problem with this. Claire wants to have a memorial service and she wants Jack to lead it. not on board. If other people want to, fine. But it's not his thing. Then someone points out the older lady sitting alone by herself. Jack recognizes her as Rose from the first episode, and I recognize their names and check to see when Titanic came out. (It was 1997) (I doubt it was intentional).

So Jack talks to Rose for a little bit, they have a heart to heart. And here's where the episode come together for me, at least where it comes to Jack. He's not the Great Leader that everyone wants him to be. He's a surgeon. He sees a problem, counts to five, and fixes it. But he's not a total beep boop robot. He's got good bedside manner too. He genuinely wants to help Rose deal with the death of her husband. Of course, that's when Rose points out that yes, her husband was in the tail section when the plane fell apart. That doesn't mean he's dead. Before Jack can deal with that though, he starts hallucinating a man in a dark suit wandering around the jungle. So there's that now.

And while this is going on, Claire and Hurly are putting together a memorial service. These scenes are nice, but there's nothing here that's really worth putting in a recap. Except for the part where they find an envelope with Sayid's name on it. Inside is a picture of a totally hot babe. I'm sure this will be relevant later.

Right. So. Locke. He sees the pigs rooting around and is all "I'll get one of them. With these knives that I brought on the plane!" And everyone freaks the fuck out. On the one hand, I get it. Knife Guys are weird. Everyone knows that. But Locke seems to know what he's doing. And he's promising to get everyone bacon. That makes him OK in my book. (In the episode you don't find out until later, but I'll tell you right now. Dude is hardcore. He was going to spend six weeks wandering around the Australian Outback with nothing but those knives. Even more hardcore when you find out.... well, I'll get to that.) Locke heads off into the jungle. Kate comes along, because Kate is always coming along. And Michael is coming to get to know his son's new friend. Michael in particular has been very suspicious of Locke and I just don't understand why.

In the jungle Michael fills us in on some of his backstory. He wasn't really in Walt's life until just recently when Walt's mother died. So their strained relationship makes more sense now. Then a pig stabs him in the leg. Kate helps Michael back to the camp. Locke continues the hunt because fuck you, John Locke does what he wants, no matter what someone says.

Now, earlier in the episode, Sayid came up with a radio doodad that can be used to help figure out where the French Lady is broadcasting from. If they can find that, they have a better chance of getting home. He needs Kate to put it somewhere up high. On the way back home, Michael needs to rest his leg. So Kate climbs up a tree, then drops the radio because catchphrases have to start somewhere. Then monster noises happen and trees start shaking, and the monster is making a beeline for Locke. We switch to the monster's POV, and he gets right up on Locke, but doesn't eat him for whatever reason. The episode ends with Claire's funeral.. wait, not Claire's funeral, the funeral that Claire put together for everyone else.

Throughout the episode,  Boone and Shannon have been fighting because for all of Boone's faults, at least he's trying. Shannon can't even get food. And she's all "Fuck you! I can get a fish! I can get all the fish!" She then flirts with Charlie so that he'll get her a fish. And look, Charlie, I like you. But you've got more dignity when you're on the jungle floor licking out the inside of your heroin bag. It's just sad watching you fall for Shannon's obvious tricks.

We don't need another hero (Thunderdome)
You're not going to recreate the magic, Jack. That is no substitute for a tiny bottle of vodka.


Tight in on Locke's face. He receives a mysterious call from someone who refers to him as... The Colonel. Man, this Locke must be a stone cold bad ass. Well, not quite. Turns out he only plays army in his free time. The rest of the day he works some menial office job looking kind of dumb with a finger and a thumb in the shape of an L on his forehead. His boss is some douchey kid with an even douchier beard. Oh, and his name is Randy Nations, which is such a douchebag name. Locke is planning a trip to Australia where he is going to take an authentic Australian Walkabout through the outback. Locke's friend thinks this is a great idea. Randy thinks it's HILARIOUS (what a douche), and straight up tells Locke he can't do it. Well, don't tell Locke what he can't do. He going to get himself away from this place. Yep. What a concept. His friend, of course, could use a little fuel himself and we could awl use a little chaaaaaaaaaange.

The weeks start coming and they don't stop coming. Fed to the rules and Locke hit the ground... well, I'll get to that. He's sitting in bed talking on the phone to his girlfriend Helen. They heavily imply that Locke quit his job to go on this trip. And he surprises Helen with the news that he has TWO tickets to Australia. And that's when we find out Helen is a phone sex worker. Awkward.

But Locke decides to go on the walkabout anyways. You'll never know if you don't go. You'll never shine if you don't glow. But now the tour guide isn't telling him that he can't do it. And, oh boy, you do not tell Locke what he can't do. Locke loses his shit, but it turns out the guide has a point. See, Locke is a paraplegic. He's in a wheelchair. Suddenly all the awkward staging and talk about amputees climbing Mount Everest makes sense. It's a hell of a reveal. Really surprising and heartbreaking.

The ending is great. We're back at the crash, Locke is just figuring out that his legs work on the island for some reason. This is all filmed in the same chaotic style as the first episode and there's all the smoke and fire and blood and Shannon just fucking screaming. But the music is very sweeping and inspirational, and Locke is happy and content, knowing that he's fulfilled his destiny. He basks in the moment, before leaping into action to do whatever the hell it was he did in the first episode. The juxtaposition of triumph and success with all the imagery of the crash is fantastic. Only shooting stars break the mold.

If this blog was on tmblr, I'd be talking about my feels now.
Catchphrases have to start somewhere.

  • This episode does a great job of laying the groundwork for the man of science/man of faith rivalry that is going to be very important in the coming years.
  • We really get to understand why Locke likes it so much on that island. He's a rock star. Get the show on. Get paid. In boar meat. His life on the mainland is so sad and pathetic (and it's only going to get worse), and on the island, he's practically a god. But, I'll get to that later.
  • How many Monster energy drinks do you have to slam before you think it's a good idea to rhyme "yep" with "concept"?

Up, up, and away!
Told you so.

  • Son of a... (variant)
  • Catchphrases have to start somewhere. (This will not become a catchphrase)

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Tabula Rasa


Remember last week when I said I was going to take it easier on Kate? Well, this episode is all about her. So much for that plan.

Go back in your tree.
The. Worst.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Pilot, Part 2


And now, the conclusion.

Later, I'm going to put in a hilarious reference to the Judd Hirsch sitcom "Dear John"
Somebody needs a hug.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Pilot, Part 1


See, because it's the first episode of the series, and also the guy who flies the plane gets eaten by a dinosaur.

*See* what I did there? Eh? Eh?
Eye welcome you to my blog.